C/C++ Users Group Library 1996 July
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Introduction to SCI Programming 1
1. IIIInnnnttttrrrroooodddduuuuccccttttiiiioooonnnn ttttoooo SSSSCCCCIIII PPPPrrrrooooggggrrrraaaammmmmmmmiiiinnnngggg
This section of the manual is a tutorial introduction to the
C language. If you have a casual knowledge of BASIC and
understand some of the fundamental concepts of programming,
you should have no difficulty in following along. This
tutorial is designed to be used along with SCI, so get out
your working copy of the SCI distribution diskette. You did
make a backup copy, didn't you? If not, DO NOT PASS GO, DO
NOT COLLECT $200 until you've read and followed the
instructions in the Introduction section of the SCI User's
Now go ahead and start up SCI. The interpreter should be
loading the default "shell" file, SHELL.SCI. This file
simply contains a C program that is run by the SCI
interpreter. It performs several functions (most of which
shall remain invisible to you for the moment), but the most
important is to allow you to write and test SCI programs
immediately. After the interpreter has started up, you
should see SCI's program identification banner and a
greater-than symbol (>), like this:
Small C Interpreter, V1.5 20Oct86 Copyright (C) 1986 Bob Brodt
SCI Shell V1.5 20Oct86 Copyright (C) 1986 Bob Brodt
The "shell>" tells you that SCI is now ready to accept input
from you. One of the nicest features of SCI is its ability
to immediately perform any C statement that you type. As
you will learn later, every C statement produces a value as
a side-effect. One of the functions of SHELL.SCI is to
print this value as a decimal number after the statement has
been executed. Thus, you could enter some arithmetic
expression like the following:
shell> 2+2;
and have the SCI shell print the result, just like BASIC.
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
2 SCI Statement Structure
2. SSSSCCCCIIII SSSSttttaaaatttteeeemmmmeeeennnntttt SSSSttttrrrruuuuccccttttuuuurrrreeee
In the above example, notice the semicolon at the end of the
line. The C language allows you to write programs without
regard to "white space" (spaces, tabs and ends of lines).
This means that the components of program statements can be
seperated by as many spaces or tabs as you like; program
lines can be grouped together seperated from the rest of the
program by blank lines, to show the reader that they perform
a discrete function; you can indent groups of lines
following a program looping statement to show where the loop
starts and ends. By allowing you to "sculpture" your
program like this, C lets you write very easy to read and
understand programs. This is very much in contrast to BASIC
which requires every program statement to start with a line
number, followed by a space and then the statement all on a
single line. Because C is such a free-form language it
would have a difficult time recognizing the end of a
statement without some kind of "end-of-statement" marker.
This is the purpose of the semicolon.
Now we're going to confuse you even further by telling you
that SCI doesn't need a semicolon at the end of a statement!
Because it's an interpreter, SCI recognizes either the end
of a line or a semicolon as an end-of-statement marker. In
fact, if a statement spills over onto another program line,
SCI will complain - it requires that every statement be
completely contained on one line. This restriction was
imposed by the fact that SCI is an interpreter and not a
compiler. This is an important difference between "SCI C"
and "standard C" (which allows a single statement to be
spread out over several lines). So if you are an experience
"C hacker", please be aware of this fact.
3. SSSSCCCCIIII PPPPrrrrooooggggrrrraaaammmm SSSSttttrrrruuuuccccttttuuuurrrreeee
When learning a new programming language, it's always
helpful to recall fundamentals and ask yourself the question
"what is a program?". Simply stated, a program is a list of
instructions that tell the computer exactly what to do. A
program written in the BASIC language is an ideal example of
this concept; a list of instructions. The instructions are
numbered to make it easy to see the order in which they'll
be performed. Let's examine a fragment from a BASIC program
and identify some of its key components.
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
SCI Program Structure 3
100 REM *** sort a list of numbers in ascending order ***
110 DIM NUM(100),RSP$(80)
120 REM get the unsorted number list
220 REM got 'em, now sort 'em then print 'em
230 GOSUB 500
240 FOR I=1 TO 100
260 NEXT I
270 PRINT "Got another list to sort?";
290 IF RSP$="Y" THEN GOTO 120
300 END
500 REM *** bubble sort routine ***
510 REM sorts the numbers in the array "NUM"
Even the novice BASIC programmer can glance at this program
fragment and tell what's happening: it starts with line 100,
which is a note to the (human) reader telling him what the
program intends to do - sort a bunch of numbers in ascending
order. Line 110 tells the computer to reserve some memory
storage we'll need later. Remember that BASIC allows
variables to be "known" to every instruction in the program.
Thus, you (the programmer) can not effectively control and
limit access to variables. This makes it difficult at times
to determine where in the program a variable is being set
when it shouldn't be. This is a very important difference
between BASIC and C, as you will find out later.
The word "GOSUB" at line 230 tells the computer to hold its
place at the current location in the program, then jump to
instruction number 500. The "RETURN" at line 600
corresponds to the "GOSUB" and tells the computer to
continue with the instruction following the "GOSUB". Notice
that the set of instructions from line 500 to 600 are
general-purpose in nature and could possibly be used in
another BASIC program that required a number sorting
function. However, to interface this sub-program to another
program would probably require modifications to either the
other program or the sub-program, or both. This makes the
thought of extracting the number sorting function somewhat
less attractive.
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
4 SCI Program Structure
Now look at the instructions from line 270 to 290.
Essentially, these ask the program user if there are any
more numbers to sort, and jump back to the beginning of the
program to start the process all over again. But, what if
the programmer decides at some later time to modify the
program and accidentally deletes line 120 - the target of
the "GOTO" instruction at 290. BASIC would be totally
confused, since it wouldn't be able to find line 120
anymore. Although numbering program instructions, like
BASIC does, is very nice and neat and makes a program easy
for the human reader to follow, it can become unmanageable
as the program grows in complexity.
Now let's take a look at the comparable program fragment
written in C. Please don't be concerned with the details of
this program at the moment, but rather focus on the overall
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
SCI Program Structure 5
# *** sort a list of numbers in ascending order ***
char num[100], rsp[80];
while ( 1 )
# get the unsorted number list
# got 'em, now sort 'em then print 'em
sort( num );
while ( i<100 )
printf( "%d\n", num[i] );
puts( "Got another list to sort?" );
gets( rsp )
if ( rsp[0] != 'Y' )
sort( numlist )
char numlist[];
# bubble sort routine
The first thing that strikes the BASIC programmer when he
looks at a C program is the absence of line numbers! The C
language relies purely on the location of statements within
a program to determine the order of program execution.
In the above example, notice the presence of the matching
left and right curly braces ({ and }). These serve to bind
together logical sections of the program. In particular,
notice the first "{" (following "main()") and its partner
towards the end of the program. These particular matching
braces are used to "bind" everything between them to make
one functional unit. This functional unit is called a
"function" in C. Each function can be thought of as an
autonomous entity - everything within the function is
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
6 SCI Program Structure
accessible only to statements within that function. The
name of the function can be found immediately before the
first "{", in this case, the function's name is "main".
Another function can be found towards the end of the
program, its name is "sort".
So, in contrast to BASIC, a C program is a collection of
these modular functions rather than just a sequential list
of instructions.
4. FFFFuuuunnnnccccttttiiiioooonnnnssss
Think of functions as a kind of "black box" machine; raw
materials, in the form of information, goes into one end of
the machine and a final product comes out of the other end.
The inner workings of the machine are hidden and we don't
really care to know how the machine works, as long as the
final product is what we expected from the raw materials
In C, the "raw materials" passed to a function are known as
the function's "arguments" and the "final product" is called
the function's "return value". C allows you to pass as many
arguments to a function as needed, but the function always
returns one and only one value. In the section on Variables
we will see how a function can be made to _s_e_e_m to return
more than one value.
To get SCI to execute the statements within a particular
function, all you have to do is mention the function's name.
In the program fragment shown above, you would type either
"main()", or "sort()" at the SCI prompt. The parentheses
following a function's name serve two purposes: they
distinguish the entity as being the name of a function as
opposed to a variable; and they show SCI where the
function's arguments start and end. If a function does not
require any arguments (as in "main()" above), you still need
to supply the left and right parentheses. If a function
requires more than one argument, each argument is seperated
from the preceding one with a comma (,) like so:
func( 23, 15, 34 )
Note that the spaces are optional!
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
Functions 7
4.1 LLLLiiiibbbbrrrraaaarrrryyyy FFFFuuuunnnnccccttttiiiioooonnnnssss
Beyond using it as a rather dumb integer calculator, you can
use the SCI shell to test out any valid C statement with
support from a large collection of built-in functions. As
you work through this tutorial, you will be introduced to
many of these, refered to hereafter as "Library Functions"
(see the section on Library Functions for more details).
You may, if you like, think of the Library Functions as
being analogous to BASIC's built-in commands like "PRINT"
and "INPUT". Most of the Library Functions are similar to
those shipped with "industrial strength" C compilers, so
many of the programs you write under SCI should be
transportable with some minor changes.
4.1.1 _p_u_t_d_(_) The Library Function "putd()" prints a
number, or the results of a calculation on the console
screen. Try entering the following commands from the shell:
putd( 235 + 12370 )
In the first example, the argument passed to "putd()" is the
number 123. The function should have printed "123" on the
console screen. In the second example, the argument is the
sum of 235 and 12370. Note that this calculation is
performed first, then the result is passed to "putd()" for
Below the numbers that were printed by "putd()" you should
have seen a zero printed as well. This zero is the value
returned by "putd()" and was printed by the shell. In this
case, the return value of a function was not particularly
useful. We were more interested in the side-effect of this
function, namely the displaying of a number on the screen.
4.1.2 _g_e_t_c_h_a_r_(_) The Library Function "getchar()" waits for
a single keyboard key to be pressed, then returns the value
(in ASCII) of that key. At the shell prompt, try typing
"getchar()", hit a carriage return and then hit the letter
'a' key. You should see the number 97 printed by the shell,
the ASCII value in decimal of the character 'a'.
Unlike "putd()", this function required no arguments and
returned a useful value.
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
8 Functions
4.1.3 _p_u_t_s_(_) The function "puts()" is used to print a
sequence of characters (known in C jargon as a "string") on
the console. A string is represented in C as a bunch of
characters enclosed in quotes ("), just as in BASIC. Try
the following command, and be careful to type the string
exactly as it appears here:
puts("hello world\n")
Look closely at the string again and notice the backslash
(\) just before the letter 'n'. This two-character
combination (\n) is standard C shorthand notation for a
"newline" character. Newlines have the effect of performing
a cariage return plus linefeed on the console. Had we
omitted the "\n" from the string, "puts()" would have just
printed "hello, world" and left the cursor on the same line,
after the "d" in "world". SCI provides other similar
shorthand notations, which will be explained in a later
5. YYYYoooouuuurrrr FFFFiiiirrrrsssstttt PPPPrrrrooooggggrrrraaaammmm
Now it's time to write your first program. If you haven't
already done so, read the Editor section of the User's
Manual and perform the installation as required for your
particular computer. If you are unsuccessful in getting the
editor to work properly, you can create the sample programs
with your favorite text editor, then start up SCI and load
the program file. This will be tedious and time consuming,
but it may just give you enough understanding of C to
perform the editor installation properly. If all else fails,
appeal to the author for help!
5.1 HHHHeeeelllllllloooo aaaaggggaaaaiiiinnnn,,,, wwwwoooorrrrlllldddd!!!!
Either using the built-in editor or a seperate text editor,
create the following program:
puts("hello, world\n");
Now, from the shell, type the name of the function, "hi()".
You should see the following on your screen:
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
Your First Program 9
shell> hi()
hello world
If instead you are rewarded with an error message followed
by a question mark, you did something wrong! Hit a carriage
return or two to get back to the shell's "shell>" prompt, go
back into the editor, fix the mistake and try it again.
Whether you realize it or not, this exercise is an important
first step for learning a new programming language. It
teaches you all of the routine motions you will be going
through to write programs and gives you confidence to
continue on.
5.2 FFFFaaaahhhhrrrreeeennnnhhhheeeeiiiitttt ttttoooo CCCCeeeellllssssiiiiuuuussss
Next, type in the following sample program:
return 9 * celsius / 5 + 32;
This is a simple celsius to fahrenheit temperature
conversion function. Notice here the symbols for
multiplication (*) and division (/) are the same as in most
other programming languages.
Try executing this function with a few different celsius
values. Each time the argument is converted to fahrenheit
and is returned to the shell to be printed.
As an exercise, modify the program to print the fahrenheit
value and return a value of zero!
6. SSSSttttaaaatttteeeemmmmeeeennnnttttssss:::: SSSSiiiimmmmpppplllleeee aaaannnndddd CCCCoooommmmppppoooouuuunnnndddd
In C, a "statement" is just what you might expect; an
imperative instruction to the computer to perform some
calculation. Statements are generally some kind of
arithmetic expression followed by a semicolon (or the end of
line in SCI) - we have encountered them before. The C
language also allows you to group together several of these
"simple" statements and treat them as a single "compound"
statement. This is done by placing left and right curly
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
10 Statements: Simple and Compound
braces ({ and }) around the simple statements. Let's look
at the example below:
{puts("hello ");puts("world\n");}
Here, everything within the left and right braces and the
braces themselves are treated as a single statement in C.
The C language also lets us write the above statement like
puts( "hello " );
puts( "world\n" );
Notice that the program becomes much easier to read when
each statement is written on a seperate line. Also notice
that we have indented the two simple statements from the
braces. Indenting is the accepted way of conveying the
intended structure of a program. We are in effect saying
that these two lines "belong together" and should be treated
as a single unit.
The compound statement in the above example was obviously
created for demonstration purposes only. If it had been
encountered by itself in a real program, the braces would
have been superfluous and would not have altered the
behavior of the program. However, earlier we encountered an
instance where the curly braces were required, namely
immediately following a function definition. Later on when
we discuss program flow control, we will again sing the
praises of compound statements.
We will now make just one more point concerning compound
statements and the SCI shell. From the shell, type the
following two statements:
shell> puts("hello "); puts(" world");
shell> {puts("hello "); puts(" world");}
In the first instance, you saw that only the word "hello"
was printed followed by the shell's "shell>" prompt. This
is because the interpreter executes only the first statement
it finds in the input line buffer. Since a statement is
terminated by a semicolon, the second call to "puts" was
never seen. In the second example, the interpreter saw the
left curly brace, recognized the entire line as a single
statement, and executed both calls to "puts()".
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
Statements: Simple and Compound 11
6.1 CCCCoooommmmmmmmeeeennnntttt SSSSttttaaaatttteeeemmmmeeeennnnttttssss
Comment statements are completely ignored by C and may be
used liberally anywhere within a program for documentation
purposes. Standard C uses the two-character combinations /*
(pronounced "slash-star") and */ to mark the beginning and
ending of comment statements:
2 + /* this is a comment */ 2 + 2;
The /* and */ need not necessarily be on the same program
line, as for example:
2 + 2 + 2;
this is a comment
SCI uses the number symbol (#) to introduce comment
statements. A comment in SCI begins with a # and ends at
the end of the line. Being an interpreter, SCI required
that comments appear on a single line, so only a comment
start symbol was required. The above example might appear
in SCI like this:
2 + 2 + 2;
# this is a comment
Be careful when placing comments because everything to the
right of the first # symbol on the line is ignored by SCI.
For example, the following comment would not work as
2 + # this is a comment # 2 + 2;
7. EEEExxxxpppprrrreeeessssssssiiiioooonnnnssss
Expressions can be thought of as components of a C statement
- the values and operators that, when evaluated, yield a
result. The most common example that comes to mind are
arithmetic expressions:
2 + 3 - 5
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
12 Expressions
An expression becomes a statement if we simply tack a
semicolon at the end of it, thus:
2 + 3 - 5;
7.1 OOOOppppeeeerrrraaaattttoooorrrrssss
Since C provides a plethora of operators, we will not
discuss them all in this section but rather introduce them
as they become relavent to the discussion. If you have
burning desire to discover all of C's operators, see the
Appendix. First, we will define some commonly used terms.
7.1.1 _B_i_n_a_r_y__O_p_e_r_a_t_o_r_s The term "binary operator" does not
refer to bits and bytes but rather to the class of operators
that require two (hence "binary") operands. Some of these
you have probably already seen if you are familiar with
other programming languages, like the addition (+),
subtraction (-), multiplication (*) and division (/)
7.1.2 _U_n_a_r_y__O_p_e_r_a_t_o_r_s Unary operators perform their
functions on only one operand. The subtraction symbol (-)
is used as a unary operator when it stands in front of a
number or a variable, like so:
You may also use the plus sign (+) as a unary operator,
although it would be superfluous since all numbers are
assumed to be positive unless preceeded by a minus sign. C
also provides other unary operators that will be discussed
7.2 PPPPrrrreeeecccceeeeddddeeeennnncccceeee
If you will recall, in your high school algebra class you
learned that in an arithmetic expression containing a
combination of addition, subtraction, division and
multiplication, the division and multiplication are always
done before addition and subtraction. That is to say that
division and multiplication "take precedence" over addition
and subtraction. This property of precedence extends to all
operators in the C language, not just the arithmetic
You may defeat the normal order of evaluation of an
expression by using parentheses, just as in modern algebra:
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
Expressions 13
(2 + 3) * 5
This will perform the addition first, then the
multiplication. You may use as many matched sets of
parentheses as necessary to disambiguate the order of
( ( (2+3) / 2 ) * 5 )
In fact, it is a good idea to use parentheses liberally
whenever you are unsure of operator precedence.
7.3 AAAAssssssssoooocccciiiiaaaattttiiiivvvviiiittttyyyy
You also learned (hopefully in the same algebra class) that
expressions are always evaluated from left to right. This
same rule applys to expressions in C. This property of
operators is known as associativity. In C, most of the
binary operators are evaluated _f_r_o_m _l_e_f_t _t_o _r_i_g_h_t, while the
unary operators are evaluated from _r_i_g_h_t _t_o _l_e_f_t.
7.4 AAAArrrriiiitttthhhhmmmmeeeettttiiiicccc ooooppppeeeerrrraaaattttoooorrrrssss
Now we are finally prepared to formally introduce C's
arithmetic operators. They are listed here in order of
decreasing precedence:
* / % multiplication, division and modulo
+ - addition and subtraction
Most of these should already be familiar to you. The modulo
operator (%) gives the remainder from the division of the
left value by the right value. For example, the result of:
15 % 8 is 7.
7.5 BBBBiiiittttwwwwiiiisssseeee OOOOppppeeeerrrraaaattttoooorrrrssss
C also offers these bit-manipulation operators (again listed
in decreasing precedence):
<< >> left and right SHIFT
& bitwise AND
^ bitwise exclusive OR
| bitwise OR
If you have a need to do bit manipulation but are not
familiar with the above terms (SHIFT, AND, OR and exclusive
OR), you should probably consult a textbook on computer
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
14 Expressions
programming since this is beyond the scope of this tutorial.
We will be learning more about other C operators in later
8. VVVVaaaarrrriiiiaaaabbbblllleeeessss
Previously, we had only eluded to the fact that C does allow
you to create named data storage locations (a.k.a.
"variables"), now we will formally introduce you to all of
C's data types.
Except for the pre-defined Library Functions and the
editor's system-variables (which are found in SHELL.SCI),
all variables must first be made known to the program before
they may be used. Unlike BASIC where a variable comes into
existance the very first time it is used in a statement, C
requires that every variable be formally declared before you
may use it within your program. This section will cover the
fundamentals of C variable declarations.
8.1 NNNNaaaammmmiiiinnnngggg CCCCoooonnnnvvvveeeennnnttttiiiioooonnnnssss
The precise rules governing the naming of variables usually
varies from one C compiler to another. The rules for SCI
variable names are as follows:
1. a variable name may contain any number of characters
from the set of:
1. the letters "a" through "z" and "A" through "Z".
2. the underscore (_).
3. the digits "0" through "9".
2. the first character of a variable must not be a digit
(i.e. it must be either a letter or an underscore).
3. the case of a letter is significant, for example:
"foobar" is not the same as "Foobar" or "FooBar".
4. a variable name may be as long as you like, but there is
a limit of 79 characters per line imposed by the
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
Variables 15
8.2 DDDDaaaattttaaaa TTTTyyyyppppeeeessss
The C language supports many different types of variables.
The most notable difference between them is the amount of
memory storage each one addresses. The least amount of
memory a variable can represent depends on the type of
computer the program is written for. Typically, this is a
byte of information, although some mainframe machines do not
have the capability to access memory in smaller than 2 or 4
byte gobbles. Most personal computers, however can access
memory one byte at a time and in C, this data type is known
as the "char", short for "character".
8.2.1 _C_h_a_r A "char" variable in SCI is one byte long and
can represent a number between -128 and +127. In order to
make a variable known to the program we must first declare
it, so to declare a "char" variable named "foobar" we would
char foobar;
We can also declare more than one variable of the same type
on the same line by seperating each with a comma, like so:
char foobar, snafu, gurgle;
8.2.2 _I_n_t Another variable type is the "int", short for
"integer". Again, the amount of memory an "int" addresses
is machine dependent. In SCI, an "int" addresses two bytes
of memory, and can represent a number between -32768 and
+32767. "Int"s are declared in a manner similar to "char"s:
int foobar;
int snafu, wowbagger;
Standard C also defines other data types such as floating
point variables, double precision integer and double
precision floating point. You may also define your own data
types that are a combination of these primaries (known as
"structures"). Unfortunately, these are all not supported
by this version of SCI.
8.3 SSSSccccooooppppeeee
If you are familiar with BASIC, then you already know that a
BASIC program variable is "known" throughout the program -
that is, any statement within the program may alter a
variable's contents. This "feature" can lead to some very
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
16 Variables
difficult to find programming bugs. For instance, you may
use a variable as a temporary loop counter in one section of
the program, only to discover later that you had already
decided to use that variable for another purpose and its
contents were continually being destroyed. Ideally, we
would like to be able to use variable names indiscriminantly
in one section of a program without having to worry about
whether the variable name is being used in another section
of the program. Happily, the C language offers this ability
as you will soon see. This concept of limited (or rather
"controlled") access to variables is known as "scope".
8.3.1 _G_l_o_b_a_l__V_a_r_i_a_b_l_e_s In C, you may create variables that
are known throughout the program, just like in BASIC.
Variables that have this property are known as "globals" and
just like BASIC, every statement within the program may
retrieve and store the value of a global variable. A
variable will attain global status if it was declared
outside of any curly braces ({ and }) that delimit the body
of a function. Here is an example to illustrate:
char c; # "c" is a global
int i, j; # and so are "i" and "j"
a_function() # the first function in the program
char flag, nyuk; # some more global variables
another_function() # another function
As you can see, C does not care where within a program a
global variable is declared as long as the declaration
appears outside of any functions.
SCI ensures that global variables are always set to zero
before the program starts up. This is pretty much standard
behavior for most C compilers as well.
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
Variables 17
In C, functions are also considered to be globals - they are
known throughout the program, although they obviously can't
be used to store data.
8.3.2 _L_o_c_a_l__V_a_r_i_a_b_l_e_s Variables that are declared inside
of the curly braces that mark the beginning and end of a
function are known as "local" variables. Locals exist only
during the life of the function - that is the variable comes
into existence after it has been declared within a function
and ceases to exist when the function returns to its caller.
See the example below for clarification:
char c; # these are global variables
int i;
a_function() # a function definition
char snafu; # a local variable
int x, y; # some more locals
x = c; # copy the global to a local
# snafu, x and y cease to exist here!
Variable declarations _m_u_s_t appear immediately after a left
curly brace; if a declaration appears anywhere else within
the body of a function SCI will warn you about a "syntax
In addition, variables may be declared within _a_n_y compound
statement in a function, but the declarations _m_u_s_t appear
immediately after the opening brace. Variables declared in
this context exist only for the life of the compound
statement, i.e. to the matching closing brace. Thus the
memory these variables occupy can be re-used within the
function. Below is an example to illustrate:
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
18 Variables
char a;
int i;
if ( i==0 )
int j; # declare an "int" in a compound stmt
. # "a", "i" and "j" are all locals here
} # "j" no longer exists here
else if ( i==1 )
char j; # a different "j" than above
SCI ensures that locals are always zero just after they have
been declared. On standard C compilers, the initial
contents of locals is unknown, so do not depend on them
being zero.
8.3.3 _F_u_n_c_t_i_o_n__A_r_g_u_m_e_n_t_s Function arguments are also
considered to be local variables. When a function calls
another function and passes it an argument, the argument's
contents is copied into a local variable in the called
function - the value of the caller's argument is not
affected. This is best illustrated with an example:
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
Variables 19
char c; # the global variable, "c"
char c; # a local may have the same name as a global
c = 1; # and this sets the LOCAL variable "c" to 1!
func2(c); # now call func2
func2( x )
char x;
char c; # this "c" is different from func1's "c"
x = 3; # this does not affect func1's "c"
c = 5; # this does not affect the global "c"
8.3.4 _S_y_s_t_e_m__G_l_o_b_a_l_s As mentioned earlier, the Library
Functions and the editor's configuration variables that are
declared in the shell are also globals. These however, are
more permanent than program globals. A program's global
variables can be zapped into non-existence simply by editing
the program and removing the statement that declares them.
System globals can not be destroyed since SCI will not allow
you to modify the shell program (or any program for that
matter) while it is still running.
8.4 LLLLooooccccaaaattttiiiioooonnnn ooooffff VVVVaaaarrrriiiiaaaabbbblllleeeessss
At this point it may be useful to discuss where in memory
each of these different types of variables is located.
Although this depends on the compiler's implementation and
the hardware, most C compilers take advantage of some
commonly used data structures.
8.4.1 _T_h_e__S_t_a_c_k The stack is simply a chunk of the
computer's memory that can only be accessed (read from and
written to) indirectly through a machine register known as
the "stack pointer". If the CPU does can not provide a
stack pointer register, the authors of the C compiler will
typically write some subroutines in the machine's language
to emulate a hardware stack. Reading and writing to the
stack proceeds as follows: before an item is read from the
stack, the stack pointer is decremented to point to the
previous item in the stack memory. This then, is the item
read from the stack; After an item is written into stack
memory, the stack pointer is incremented to point to the
next item in the stack. Thus, the operation of the stack
can be thought of as a stack of pancakes - numbers are piled
onto the stack for temporary storage, then removed from the
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
20 Variables
top as needed.
In general, the C language depends very heavily on the
stack. Local variables, including function arguments, are
piled onto the stack when a function begins, and then
removed and discarded when it terminates. As a C statement
is executed, the components of the statement (constants,
variables, etc.) are "pushed" onto the stack until they are
needed. Then, when the statement is evaluated, the
components are "poped" off the stack.
Most compilers take advantage of the machine's built-in
stack (if the CPU happens to have one, as most do), so
access to the stack is very efficient. Still, this has
become a major point of criticism by opponents of the C
8.4.2 _P_r_o_g_r_a_m__a_n_d__D_a_t_a__S_e_g_m_e_n_t_s Global data variables are
usually stored in the same section of memory as program
code; most 8 and 16 bit CPU's do not provide seperate memory
segments for program code and global data.
Some minicomputers and most mainframes do provide seperate
program code and data memory areas. The machine then limits
access to these segments by disabling the program from
storing data in the code segment and possibly causing the
program to go berserk. Also, the program is limited to
accessing only its own global data area and attempts to read
or write data outside of this global data segment is a
Alas, a microcomputer's operating system is at the mercy of
the currently executing program and a careless program has
the ability to corrupt the operating system and bring the
computer to its knees.
9. CCCCoooonnnnssssttttaaaannnnttttssss
You already know about decimal integer constants because we
have been using them throughout this tutorial. The C
language also allows you to represent numbers in
hexadecimal, octal and ASCII.
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
Constants 21
9.1 HHHHeeeexxxxaaaaddddeeeecccciiiimmmmaaaallll CCCCoooonnnnssssttttaaaannnnttttssss
Hexadecimal numbers are distinguished from other number
representations and variables by preceding them with a "0x"
(zero-"ex"), for example:
are all valid hexadecimal number representations. You may
also use an upper case "X" in "0X" and upper case "A"
through "F" if you desire.
9.2 OOOOccccttttaaaallll CCCCoooonnnnssssttttaaaannnnttttssss
Octal numbers are distinguished by preceding them with a
zero. These are all valid octal numbers:
9.3 AAAASSSSCCCCIIIIIIII CCCChhhhaaaarrrraaaacccctttteeeerrrr CCCCoooonnnnssssttttaaaannnnttttssss
The numeric value of ASCII characters can be represented by
surrounding the ASCII character in apostrophes, like this:
'A' is equivalent to decimal 65
' ' is a space and is equivalent to decimal 32
Certain non-printing ASCII characters can also be
conveniently represented as character constants. By
preceeding certain lower case letters with a backslash
character ("\"), the two-character combination can be used
to represent a single one byte value. One of these you
already know as the "newline" character, '\n'. Here is a
complete list of these:
'\b' "backspace", equivalent to decimal 8.
'\r' "carriage return", equivalent to 13.
'\n' "newline", equivalent to 10.
'\f' "formfeed", equivalent to 12.
'\t' "tab", equivalent to 9.
In addition, you can represent any ASCII character as a
character constant using its octal equivalent preceded by a
backslash. The only restriction here is that the octal
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
22 Constants
representation must be exactly 3 octal digits. For example:
'\033' is an ASCII "escape" character
'\101' is an ASCII "A", equivalent to 65
'\377' is equivalent to -1
and so on - you get the idea.
9.4 SSSSttttrrrriiiinnnngggg CCCCoooonnnnssssttttaaaannnnttttssss
Finally, another type of constant you have already been
using, is the "string" constant - a bunch of ASCII
characters surrounded by quotes, for example:
"this is a string\n"
A string always ends with a zero byte, thus the amount of
memory a string takes up is equal to the number of
characters you can count in the string plus one. In the
example above, the string requires 18 bytes of storage
(realize that the "\n" sequence is a single character - the
String constants have an interesting numeric equivalent - it
is an address in the computer's memory where the ASCII
characters in the string can be found by functions that are
equiped to deal with them. For instance, the Library
Function "puts" expects its parameter to be an address in
memory where ASCII character can be found and sequentially
printed out to the console screen.
If you tried to find out a string constant's numeric value
from the shell by typing:
shell> "hello?"
shell> "another string..."
shell> "what the?"
you would be surprised to find that they all have the same
address - how could this be? Actually, all the string
constants in the above examples do have the same address.
Recall that the shell reads a line of input from the console
and hands it off to the interpreter for evaluation. Since
the strings all get read into the same line buffer by the
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
Constants 23
shell, they all have the same address, namely the shell's
input line buffer.
We will discuss strings in more detail in the section on
arrays and pointers.
10. AAAAssssssssiiiiggggnnnnmmmmeeeennnntttt OOOOppppeeeerrrraaaattttoooorrrr
In C, we assign values to variables using the "assignment"
operator, "=". Do not confuse the assignment operator (a
single equal sign) with the "is equal to" relational
operator (two consecutive equal signs), which we will
discuss later. Although C will allow you to do this under
certain conditions, you will get unexpected results. The
a = (b + 1) * 2;
is read as: take the results of the calculation of (b + 1) *
2 and assign it to the variable "a". Note that there may be
only one variable to the left of the equal sign.
You can if you like, string several of these assignments
together like this:
a = flg = x = (b + 1) * 2;
Note that even here there is always only one variable to the
left of each equal sign. This statement is evaluated like
so: take the results of the calculation of (b + 1) * 2 and
assign it to the variable "x", then assign the same number
to the variable "flg", and then to "a". This implies that
the assignment operator is evaluated from _r_i_g_h_t-_t_o-_l_e_f_t,
instead of the usual left-to-right. In fact it is the only
binary operator supported by SCI that exhibits this peculiar
behavior. This feature is most useful when initializing
several variables, like so:
lettercnt = digitcnt = punctcnt = 0;
which would set all of the variables to zero.
The assignment operator has the lowest precedence (it is
performed last in an expression) of all the C operators,
except for the "comma" operator (see below).
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
24 Assignment Operator
10.1 LLLLvvvvaaaalllluuuueeeessss aaaannnndddd RRRRvvvvaaaalllluuuueeeessss
It should be intuitively obvious that any attempt to store a
value in what we know as a C constant is illegal. In other
words, you would never attempt to say, store the number 3 in
place of the number 5:
5 = 3;
The same holds true for string constants; you may not store
another string in an existing string constant:
"hello" = "world";
These types of data (constants) are collectively known as
"rvalues" (pronounced "are-values"). The term rvalue stems
from the fact that they may only be used on the right-hand-
side of an assignment operator.
On the other hand, variables do allow numbers to be stored
and retrieved from them. This category of data is known as
"lvalues" (pronounced "ell-values") because they may be used
on the left-hand-side of an eual sign.
We will encounter lvalues and rvalues again in a later
11. CCCCoooommmmmmmmaaaa OOOOppppeeeerrrraaaattttoooorrrr
In _s_t_a_n_d_a_r_d C the punctuation character "," (comma) is
considered to be an operator, although it does nothing more
except insure that sub-expressions within a statement will
be evaluated in order from left to right. This operator has
the lowest priority of all. It is useful for when you want
to do more than one thing in a statement, like the
++a, b=12, c=b+a;
Of course, we could also have written the above statement
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
Comma Operator 25
but this would not have been as concise as the first form.
Commas are also used to seperate variable names in a data
declaration as you have already seen, and to seperate
arguments in function calls.
SCI does not support the use of the comma operator anywhere
outside the context of variable seperators or function call
argument seperators, as in the first example above. Any
attempt to do so will result in a "syntax error" message
from the interpreter.
12. FFFFlllloooowwww CCCCoooonnnnttttrrrroooollll
The previous sections have dealt only with data elements
(variables and constants) and with evaluating arithmetic
combinations of these. C would be a poor language indeed if
it only allowed a programmer to evaluate a sequential list
of arithmetic expressions without giving him the opportunity
to act on the results of these calculations. This section
will introduce you to C's program control structures, also
known as "flow control" structures. Most of these have
constructs that should be familiar to all you BASIC hackers:
the conditional ("if-else"), looping ("while" and "for") and
program control switching ("switch").
12.1 iiiiffff aaaannnndddd iiiiffff----eeeellllsssseeee
The most fundamental of the flow control constructs is the
"if". This allows you to perform a statement (or group of
statements if we talk about a compound statement) "if" the
given condition is true. In C, a condition is considered to
be true when the value of an expression is non-zero, that is
either a positive or negative number. It follows then, that
an expression that evaluates to zero is considered to be a
false condition. We write an "if" conditional in C like
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
26 Flow Control
if ( <expression> ) <statement>
We will be using the angle brackets (<>) to represent
familiar C concepts so that you will be able to more easily
identify the relavent components: here "<expression>" is any
valid C expression, like "var-5" or "x + 10"; and
"<statement>" may be either a simple or compound statement -
but, more about statements later.
The relavent components in the "if" statement are: obviously
the "if" word which identifies this flow control construct;
a left parenthesis followed by an expression followed by a
right parenthesis; then a C statement. Now a few words about
1. The "if" must be in lower case letters, most C compilers
will usually not accept "If", or "IF" or "iF" (and
neither will SCI!).
2. The matched left and right parentheses must be included,
and SCI requires that the "if", the left parenthesis,
the <expression> and the right parenthesis appear on the
same line in the program.
3. The <statement> may be either a simple statement or a
compound statement.
SCI requires that the "if" and the parentheses appear on the
same line in your program text, but the <statement> may
appear on the following line. This is only a restriction of
the SCI interpreter - the standard C language lets you put
as much horizontal and vertical "distance" between elements
of an "if" statement as you like.
The "if" flow control construct behaves as follows:
1. The <expression> is evaluated.
2. If the result of <expression> is true (a non-zero value)
then the <statement> is executed.
3. If the result is false (zero) the <statement> is skipped
and program control passes to the next statement.
For example:
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
Flow Control 27
if ( 2 + 2 ) a = 5;
would always set the variable "a" to 5 because the
<expression>, which evaluates to 4 in this case, is always
non-zero. And the <statement> in this example:
if ( 0 ) a = 5;
would never be reached because the <expression> is always
false. As a last example, look at this:
if ( a = b + c ) b = b + 1;
Here the value of the <expression> depends on the results of
the addition of "b" and "c", which we have no way of knowing
just by looking at the example out of context. As a side-
effect, the result of the addition is stored in the variable
"a". It is very important that you realize that the equal
sign in "a = b + c" is not making a comparison between the
value of "a" and "b + c", as you might assume if you were
looking at a similar statement in BASIC. In other words, we
are _n_o_t saying "if a is equal to the sum of b and c".
12.1.1 _M_o_r_e__A_b_o_u_t__S_t_a_t_e_m_e_n_t_s Earlier we promised to tell
you more about the concept of C statements. A statement, as
you already know, can be either an expression such as "a = a
+ 5" followed by a semicolon (don't forget the semicolon!)
or it may be a group of these simple statements surrounded
by left and right curly braces, like this:
{ a = b + c; b = b + 1; }
or this:
a = b + c;
b = b + 1;
or a compound statement within a compound statement as in
this example:
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
28 Flow Control
{ a = b; b = 1; }
a = b + c;
b = b + 1;
We now expand our definition of a C statement to include the
"if" and later all of the other flow control constructs as
well. In other words, the template for an "if" we showed
you before:
if ( <expression> ) <statment>
can be thought of as a single unit and used wherever a
<statement> is used. Now we can write multiple "nested
if's" like this:
if ( a + 5 )
if ( b - 1 )
c = 0;
which would be "read" by the computer as follows:
1. if "a + 5" is true (non-zero) then go to step 2
otherwise go to step 3.
2. if "b - 1" is true, then assign 0 to "c".
3. go on to the next statement in the program.
The "if" statement also has an optional "else" clause, which
looks like this:
if ( <expression> ) <statement> else <statement>
Notice that the "else" keyword must be in lower case letters
also. Again, the first <statement>, the "else", and the
second <statement> may be on seperate lines of program text
or they may all be on the same line. The "if-else"
statement, as it is called, is read as follows:
1. if the <expression> is true, then execute the first
<statement> and then go to step 3.
2. else, execute the second <statement> and then go to step
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
Flow Control 29
3. go on to the next statement in the program.
The C language allows you to nest "if-else" statements as
deeply as you wish, for example:
if ( a + 3 )
if ( b + 5 )
if ( c + 7 )
d = 0;
d = 1;
d = 2;
d = 3;
It should be obvious from the way the statements were
indented how each "else" matches its "if". As a matter of
definition, an "else" clause matches the nearest preceding
"if" clause. If there are more "else's" than "if's" in a
program, then this is an error condition and you will be
warned by SCI. If you are ever unsure how nested "if-else"
combinations will match up, you can always use curly braces
to bind them together the way you want:
if ( a + 3 )
if ( b + 5 )
if ( c + 7 )
d = 0;
d = 1;
d = 2;
d = 3;
You can also use another "if-else" statement in the "else"
clause of a preceding "if-else", for example:
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
30 Flow Control
if ( a + 3 )
d = 1;
if ( a + 4 )
d = 2;
if ( a + 5 )
d = 3;
d = 4;
Because it is a matter of personal style, there are no hard
and fast rules to follow when indenting program statements
like this. However, the above example is more commonly
written like this:
if ( a + 3 )
d = 1;
else if ( a + 4 )
d = 2;
else if ( a + 5 )
d = 3;
d = 4;
This saves you from running off the right edge of the screen
when writing very deeply nested "if-else's" and it looks
very much like a multi-path switch (an "ON GOTO" statement
in BASIC).
12.1.2 _R_e_l_a_t_i_o_n_a_l__O_p_e_r_a_t_o_r_s Sometimes it is necessary to
change the program flow depending on whether a variable is
equal to a certain value. The C language has this ability
to test equality of two expressions using a set of operators
(similar to the addition, multiplication, assignment, etc.)
known as the "relational operators". If we wanted to know
if a variable were equal to a certain value, for instance we
could say:
a == 5
The "==" (which is read as: "is equal to") operator compares
the two items to the left and right of it and leaves a value
of one if they are equal, zero if they are unequal. So the
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
Flow Control 31
value of this expression would be one if "a" is equal to 5
and zero otherwise. Thus, the statement:
if ( a == 5 )
b = 0;
would set "b" to zero only if "a" equals 5.
We promised you a set of these operators, so here they are:
_o_p_e_r_a_t_o_r: _r_e_a_d _a_s:
== is equal to
!= is not equal to
< is less than
> is greater than
<= is less than or equal to
>= is greater than or equal to
Notice that there may be no spaces between the two equal
signs (=) in the "is equal to" operator nor between the
exclamation point (!) and the equal in the "is not equal
to". If there is a space between them, they will be assumed
to be two seperate operators and you will get a "syntax
error" message from SCI. Needless to say, the same goes for
the <= and >=.
12.1.3 _L_o_g_i_c_a_l__O_p_e_r_a_t_o_r_s The C language also allows you to
combine groups of relational expressions with "and" and "or"
clauses. For example, given two sets of conditions you can
determine if both are true, or if at least one is true.
These "and" and "or" clauses are known as the "logical
operators" in C:
_o_p_e_r_a_t_o_r: _r_e_a_d _a_s:
&& and
|| or
Notice that there may be no spaces between the two
ampersands (&) and vertical bars (|). The expression:
a==5 && b==3
will be true only if "a" is equal to 5 _a_n_d "b" is equal to
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
32 Flow Control
a<0 || 10<a
In this example the expression is true if "a" is less than 0
_o_r greater than 10 (do you see that 10<a and a>10 are
One final note about the logical operators: standard C stops
evaluating an expression that contains logical operators
after the truth or falsehood of the expression is known.
For example:
a==b && c==d
Assume that "a" is not equal to "b". Standard C would not
even bother checking the relation "c==d" because the "and"
clause requires both expressions to the left and right of
the "&&" to be true - if one of the components is false, the
entire expression is false. So, since the first component
encountered ("a==b") was found to be false, the truth or
falsehood of the entire expression is already known and
there is no need to evaluate "c==d".
SCI is not as smart as a standard C compiler and blindly
evaluates every sub-expression in a logical expression.
This can lead to some very hard to find errors if for
example you alter a variable in one of the subexpressions of
a logical operation - sorry folks!
12.1.4 _P_r_e_c_e_d_e_n_c_e__a_n_d__A_s_s_o_c_i_a_t_i_v_i_t_y You can combine as
many "and" and "or" clauses as necessary:
a==5 || b==3 && c==4
This expression will be true under one of two conditions: 1)
b is equal to 3 AND c is equal to 4, or 2) a is equal to 5.
This example shows a very important property of logical
operators that we have already encountered in the discussion
of the arithmetic operators (+, -, *, etc.), namely
precedence. In C, the && operator takes precedence (is
performed before) the || operator.
As with the arithmetic operators the logical operators are
performed from left to right. So, if we have more than one
operator of the same precedence in an expression:
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
Flow Control 33
a==5 && b==5 && c==5
we know that C performs the tests for equality from left to
Although we haven't come right out and said it before, it
should be obvious from the examples that the relational
operators have higher precedence than the logical operators.
Specifically, >, >=, < and <= have higher precedence than ==
and != which have higher precedence than && which has a
higher precedence than ||. Please refer to the Language
Summary section of the User's Manual for a complete list of
C operators and their order of precedence.
Furthermore, relational operators associate from left to
right, although it is hardly ever necessary to use more than
one consecutive relational:
a == 5 != 1
Notice in this example that "a == 5" is performed first
which would result in either a zero or a one. Examine the
following expression closely:
a < 5 == b < 5
This expresion will be true if "a" and "b" are _b_o_t_h _l_e_s_s
_t_h_a_n _5 or "a" and "b" are _b_o_t_h _e_q_u_a_l _t_o _o_r _g_r_e_a_t_e_r _t_h_a_n _5.
As always, whenever you are in doubt about the associativity
or precedence of operators, either use parentheses to bind
operands and operators together, or consult the table of
operators in the User's Manual.
12.1.5 _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s Finally armed with these new facts about
C, we are ready to try some practical examples using the SCI
interpreter. Enter the following program using the SCI
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
34 Flow Control
char c;
puts("to decimal (d), hex (x) or octal (o) ?");
else if(c=='x')
else if(c=='o')
As you can probably tell, this is a number conversion
routine. It asks the operator whether to convert the number
passed to it ("n") to decimal, hexadecimal or octal. Now at
the shell prompt, type:
shell> convert( 255 )
to decimal (d), hex (x) or octal (o) ?x
If your screen did not look like the above, there is
something wrong - fix it up and try again.
Now modify the program to accept either lower or upper case
d's, x's and o's (hint: use the || operator).
12.2 wwwwhhhhiiiilllleeee
One of the things that makes a computer such a powerful tool
is its tireless ability to perform repetitive tasks. This is
why every programming language has some sort of "looping"
flow control. The C language offers three types of loop
constucts: the "while", "for" and "do-while". This version
of SCI only supports the "while" and "for".
The "while" flow control looks something like this:
while ( <expression> ) <statement>
Notice that its structure is very similar to the "if"
construct and all of the syntactical rules apply as well.
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
Flow Control 35
This statement is executed as follows:
1. evaluate <expression> and if it is false, go to step 4.
2. execute <statement>.
3. go to step 1
4. go on to the next statement in the program.
As with the "if" statement, <expression> is considered to be
true if it evaluates to non-zero, and false if it is zero.
Let's look at an example:
int a;
a = 10;
while ( a > 0 )
putd( a );
a = a - 1;
puts("all done\n");
This loop will get executed exactly 10 times - each time the
variable "a" is decremented by one until it equals zero.
When "a" reaches zero, the expression "a > 0" will become
false and program execution will continue with the next
statement in the program, namely the statement puts("all
There is also a more direct method of breaking out of a
"while" loop without having to wait until control returns
back to the <expression> evaluation and testing. Using a
"break" statement, you can directly jump out of a "while"
and continue with the next statement in the program. The
following demonstrates the use of a "break":
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
36 Flow Control
int i, q;
i = 12345;
while (1)
q = i/10;
putchar( i-q*10+'0' );
if ( q==0 )
i = q;
Since the <expression> is always true (1 is always non-
zero), this loop would be repeated until the cows came home.
The "if" statement within the loop will break out of the
loop when the quotient from the division results in zero.
We leave as an exercise for the student to figure out what
this little program does.
12.3 ffffoooorrrr
The "for" looping construct is similar to the "while". Its
format is as follows:
for ( <expression> ; <expression> ; <expression> ) <statement>
The syntactical requirements of the "for" construct are
similiar to those of the "while" - the "for" and the
parentheses and everything between them must be on the same
program line. Also, the three <expression>'s inside the
parentheses must be seperated from each other by two
semicolons as shown.
Actually, the "for" is simply a method of clearly presenting
to the reader the most commonly needed elements relavent to
a program loop: an "initialization" part, a "loop test" part
and an "iteration" part. These three elements are clearly
identifyable, and correspond to (reading from left to right)
the three <expressions> within the parentheses.
A "for" statement would be executed as follows:
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
Flow Control 37
1. evaluate the first <expression>, disregard the result.
2. evaluate the second <expression> and if it is false, go
to step 5.
3. execute <statement>.
4. evaluate the third <expression> and go to step 2.
5. go on to the next statement in the program.
We could have written the first example given for the
"while" using a "for" statement:
int a;
for ( a = 10; a > 0; a = a - 1 )
putd( a );
The "break" statement may also be used to break out of a
"for" loop. One last interesting feature of the "for" is
that any or all of the three <expressions> may be missing.
If the second <expression> is missing, the "loop test" will
always evaluate to true. Thus, the second example of the
"while" loop above could have been written:
int i, q;
for ( i=12345; ; q!=0 )
q = i/10;
putchar( i-q*10+'0' );
i = q;
Here, the three <expressions> are:
1. i=12345
2. the second <expression> is missing!
3. q!=0
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
38 Flow Control
And the most efficient way of writing a "forever" loop is:
for ( ;; )
puts( "hello, world\n" );
12.4 sssswwwwiiiittttcccchhhh
The last and most complex flow control we will examine is
the multi-path "switch" statement. The "switch" is similar
to BASIC's "ON GOTO" statement. Here is the template of a
"switch" statement:
switch ( <expression> )
case <constant expression> : <statement>
case <constant expression> : <statement>
case <constant expression> : <statement>
default : <statement>
Again, the word "switch", the left parenthesis, the
<expression> and the right parenthesis must be on the same
program source line. The matching left and right curly
brace at the beginning and end of the switch are not
actually required but are necessary as you will soon see.
The words "case" and "default" are only meaningful within
the context of a "switch" statement. There may be any
number of "case <constant expression> :" sequences but only
one "default :". The <constant expression>'s are simply
<expression>'s that contain only constants (no variables!).
So, the following would all be examples of <constant
2 + 2
25 * (365 / 7)
37/12 > 10
Standard C requires that only <constant expression>'s follow
a "case", however SCI allows you to use any valid
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
Flow Control 39
<expression> as an added bonus. Keep this fact in mind when
writing programs that will eventually be transported to
standard C!
The "switch" statement behaves as follows:
1 evaluate the <expression>.
2 compare the results of <expression> to each of the
<constant expression>'s after the "case's" sequentially
from top to bottom.
3 if the value of <expression> matches one of the
<constant expression>'s, continue program execution with
the statement immediately following the colon. All other
"case" and <constant expressions> are ignored.
4 if none of the <constant expression>'s match
<expression>, jump to the <statement> immediately
following the word "default"
5 if a "break" statement is encountered, jump to the end
of the "switch" statement (the <statement> immediately
following the }).
Although this seems complicated at first, a "switch" is
really just a multi-way program jump. It allows you to jump
to anywhere within a statement, based on the value of an
Here's an example of a switch:
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
40 Flow Control
char c;
puts("to decimal (d), hex (x) or octal (o) ?");
switch ( getchar() )
case 'd':
case 'x':
case 'o':
Standard C allows you to place the "default" word anywhere
within the "switch", and program control will jump there
only after all of the "case <constant expression> :"'s have
been checked and no match found. Here again, SCI dares to
be different! If a "default" is encountered before a
matching "case", the program continues with the <statement>
following the "default". Therefore, it is a good idea to
always place your "default" statements at the end of the
13. AAAArrrrrrrraaaayyyyssss
An array in C is a block of contiguous memory locations
(meaning they are located "one after the other" in memory)
that all have the same type ("char" or "int") and can be
accessed individually. These individual data items in an
array are known as the array's "elements". You have already
used arrays earlier, in your very first C program, namely
the sequence of ASCII characters in the string "hello,
world\n". The array's elements are the ASCII characters
'h', 'e', 'l', etc. This array however, could not be used
to store any information other than that sequence of
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
Arrays 41
characters, just like the integer constant 5 let's say, can
not be used to store a different number. In this section we
will show you how to create and use arrays for data storage
and retrieval.
Arrays are declared in a similar fashion as simple
variables, but following the array's name you must indicate
how many elements the array will have. The size of an array
is constant, once it has been declared it can not be
changed. Below is an example of an array declaration
char vartable[15], macnam[100];
This statement declares two arrays that have 15 and 100
elements respectively. The square brackets ([ and ])
identifies the variable as being an array, they are also
required when you wish to access one of the array's
c = vartable[ 5 ];
In C, array elements are counted from zero instead of one,
so the above statement takes the _s_i_x_t_h element of "vartable"
and stores it in the variable "c". To access the _f_i_r_s_t
element of the array, we would write:
vartable[0] = 35;
Consequently, the _l_a_s_t element of the array would be
"vartable[14]" and _n_o_t "vartable[15]". In fact, if you did
attempt to store a number in "vartable[15]", you would
overwrite some unknown location in memory that was already
being used as storage for another variable or, worse yet,
that was part of your program code. The results of
overrunning a C array like this are unpredictable and are
dependent on the environment the C program is running in
(the type of machine, the C compiler used, etc.)
When the name of an array is used by itself without the
square brackets as in:
i = vartable + 5;
it is taken to be a pointer to the first element of the
array. In the example above, "i" would be assigned the
_m_e_m_o_r_y _l_o_c_a_t_i_o_n of the sixth element in the array, and _n_o_t
_t_h_e _v_a_l_u_e of this memory location.
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
42 Arrays
The Library Function "gets()" reads a line of input from the
console keyboard and places the characters at the address
pointed to by its argument. This function waits for the
user to hit a carriage return before it returns to the
caller. The input line is always terminated with a zero
byte by "gets()" and the carriage return is stripped out.
This makes it suitable for printing by its partner,
"puts()". Try the following program:
char name[ 80 ];
puts("hello, what's your name? ");
gets( name );
puts("nice to meet you, ");
puts( name );
puts(". Have a nice day!\n");
14. PPPPooooiiiinnnntttteeeerrrrssss
The last example above leads us directly into our next
discussion. In C, you have the ability to access a memory
location by "pointing" at it with a variable. This type of
variable is known as a "pointer" in C.
The number of bytes of storage a pointer variable needs
depends on the environment the C program is running in. All
8-bit personal computers (8080, z80, 6502, etc.) use 2 bytes
for pointer variables. The IBM-PC which has an 8088 CPU may
use either 2 or 4 bytes for pointer variables, depending on
the C compiler used. SCI always uses 2 bytes.
C knows about the type of variable being pointed at from the
pointer's declaration:
char *char_pointer;
int *int_pointer;
Above we declared two variables, "char_pointer" and
"int_pointer". The asterisk (*) in the declaration
statement identifies the variables as being pointers. the
"char" and "int" keywords define the type of variable that
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
Pointers 43
the pointer points to. To illustrate:
i = *int_pointer;
This would retrieve the _i_n_t_e_g_e_r (two bytes in SCI) found at
the memory location addressed by the _c_o_n_t_e_n_t_s of
"int_pointer", and store it in "i". In this example, we
can't tell what will be stored in "i" because we don't know
what the contents of "int_pointer" is. Recall from an
earlier discussion that SCI always initializes its variables
to zero so in this case, "i" would contain the two bytes
found in memory locations zero and one.
Unless you know what is in memory locations zero and one,
this information is not very useful. The power of pointers
lies in the fact that they can be made to point at an array,
like this:
char vartable[15], *cp;
cp = vartable;
c = *cp;
cp = cp+1;
d = *cp;
cp = cp+1;
e = *cp;
Here we have set the character pointer "cp" to point at the
first element of the array "vartable", and assigned the
_c_o_n_t_e_n_t_s of this first element to the variable "c" just by
letting "cp" point at it. By simply adding one to "cp" we
have made it to point at the next element in "vartable".
14.1 LLLLvvvvaaaalllluuuueeeessss aaaannnndddd RRRRvvvvaaaalllluuuueeeessss RRRReeeevvvviiiissssiiiitttteeeedddd
Pointers are useful because they can be changed (bent?) to
address any location in memory whereas arrays are fixed and
always point to their first element. For example, if your
tried to do this:
char a[10];
a = a + 1;
you would get an error message. The C language _d_o_e_s _n_o_t
_a_l_l_o_w _y_o_u _t_o _c_h_a_n_g_e _t_h_e _v_a_l_u_e _o_f _a_n _a_r_r_a_y _v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e. If it
did there might be the possibility of your program
"forgetting" where the data in the array is located. Thus
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
44 Pointers
arrays can be put in the same category as strings and
integer constants, namely "rvalues" (see an earlier
discussion on Lvalues and Rvalues).
The attempt to change the array variable "a" in the example
above would therefore reward you with a "need an lvalue"
error message from the SCI interpreter.
Pointers on the other hand are more analagous to variables -
they can be modified and are therefore considered to be
14.2 PPPPooooiiiinnnntttteeeerrrr OOOOppppeeeerrrraaaattttoooorrrr
The asterisk in the examples above is known as the "pointer"
operator. This is a unary operator and is used in the same
manner as the negation (-) unary operator. The pointer
operation tells C to treat its associated pointer variable
as a memory address and to store or retrieve the data item
at that address. Note that the operand of a pointer
operator must have been declared as a pointer, or C will
complain. This is in your own best interest because we
humans tend to forget little details like this. For
example, if you wrote:
char c, d;
d = *c;
you would get a "not a pointer" error message from SCI.
Now, try typing in this little program using the SCI editor:
char *s;
The Library Function "putchar()" accepts a single argument
and prints the ASCII representation of this argument to the
console screen. This program takes a pointer to a character
string as an argument. Then, while the character being
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
Pointers 45
pointed at is non-zero, "putchar()" prints the character
onto the console. The pointer is then incremented (s=s+1)
so that it points at the next character in the string. Now
execute the following command from the shell:
shell> prints("hello, world\n");
This should have resulted in the words "hello, world"
printed on the console.
Except for the fact that pointers may be changed and arrays
may not, C treats both of them identically. For example if
we have the following two data declarations:
char c, ca[ 10 ];
char *cp;
we can choose to view the array variable "ca" as a pointer,
and the pointer variable "cp" as an array in our programs,
like so:
c = *ca;
cp[ 5 ] = c;
So, we could have written the sample program from before
like this:
char *s;
int i;
for ( i=0; s[i]; i=i+1 )
putchar( s[i] );
This would have left the pointer argument "s" unaltered when
the "for" loop was finished. This is sometimes necessary,
as in the following example:
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
46 Pointers
char *s;
int i, j;
for ( j=0; j<10; j=j+1 )
for ( i=0; s[i]; i=i+1 )
putchar( s[i] );
Here the string passed to "prints10()" is printed on the
console ten times. If we had incremented the character
pointer "s" instead of using the index "i", then the second
time through the outer loop would have started with "s"
pointing to the character after the end of the string.
14.2.1 _P_o_i_n_t_e_r__E_x_p_r_e_s_s_i_o_n_s We stated that C knows the type
of data item a pointer is pointing to ("char" or "int").
Assume that we have a pointer variable named "ip", then in
this example:
i = *(ip + 5);
we are trying to retrieve the data item pointed at by "ip"
and offset by 5. If "ip" was a pointer to an "int", we are
retrieving the sixth 2-byte integer of the array pointed at
by "ip". Physically, this would be the eleventh and twelfth
bytes of the array. Notice that this expression is
functionally equivalent to:
i = ip[ 5 ];
C allows you to perform certain mathematical and relational
operations on pointers, specifically:
1. you may add a constant or an expression that evaluates
to a constant to a pointer.
2. you may subtract two pointers, but only if they point to
the same type of data. For instance, you may not
subtract a "char" pointer from an "int" pointer. The
result is the number of elements between the two
3. you may compare two pointers using the relational
operators (==, !=, < <= > and >=).
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
Pointers 47
All other mathematical operations on pointers are not
On occasion you may wish to use integer constants as
pointers, like this:
char c;
c = *0x0100;
When a constant is used as the target of a pointer
operation, SCI will access the two bytes (an "int") at the
location specified by the value of the constant, in this
case at location 100 hex. You can get as creative as you
want when using constants as pointers:
char c, offs;
c = *((0x101 + offs) * 2);
Note that SCI will allow you to use variables that have not
been declared as pointers in pointer expressions if they are
enclosed in parentheses as shown above.
Standard C does not allow you to use constant expressions as
pointers, any attempt to do so will usually result in an
error message.
14.2.2 _p_r_i_n_t_f_(_) C functions do not intrinsically know
whether their arguments are printable strings or just an
array or numbers, like BASIC does. Therefore there are no C
functions that are analogous to BASIC's PRINT statement
which prints either a number or a string depending on its
argument. The standard C Library Function "printf()",
however, performs a print operation similar to BASIC's PRINT
statement. "Printf", which is read as "print-eff", stands
for "print formatted". It is the most unusual standard C
function because it accepts a variable number of arguments,
depending on the contents of its first argument. The first
argument to "printf" is a string of characters and is known
as the "control string". "Printf" works like this: it scans
through the characters in the control string and prints them
out on the console screen; if a percent symbol (%) is
encountered in the control string, the character following
the "%" determines how printf's next _a_r_g_u_m_e_n_t will be
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
48 Pointers
processed. For example, if the character following the "%"
is a lower case letter "s", the next argument is assumed to
be a character string and is printed out to the console
instead of the "%s" character combination. A "%d"
combination in the control string takes its next argument to
be an integer and prints its decimal value. "Printf" keeps
track of which arguments have already been printed by a "%-
letter" combination, so that the next "%-letter" combination
affects the next argument in the argument list.
For example, try the following command from the shell:
printf("%s, did you know %d*%d is %d?0,"Bob",376,49,376*49)
The "%s" conversion treats the second argument, "Bob" as a
string (which it is!) and prints it; the first "%d" grabs
the next argument in the list (376) and prints it as a
decimal number; the second "%d" prints 49 as a decimal
number; finally, the third "%d" takes the product of 376 and
49 and prints it as a decimal number. What should have
appeared on your screen is:
Bob, did you know 376*49 is 18424?
"Printf" also recognizes these other conversion codes:
%x prints its argument as a hexadecimal number. The
characters "0x" do not appear in the printed number;
you must add them if needed like so:
printf( "%d = 0x%x0, 376, 376 )
%o prints its argument as an octal number.
%c prints its argument as an ASCII character.
14.3 AAAAddddddddrrrreeeessssssss OOOOppppeeeerrrraaaattttoooorrrr
In an earlier discussion about the scope of variables, we
said when a variable is passed to a function, the called
function creates a clone of the caller's variable and copies
its contents into this local variable. This way the
function can not alter the contents of the caller's
variable. How then can we have a function alter the
contents of our local variables if it becomes necessary?
There are several options open to us: 1) write the function
so that it returns a value which we can then assign to our
local variable, 2) have the function put the value into a
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
Pointers 49
global variable which we can access, or 3) pass the function
the address of our local variable. The first option only
allows the function to pass back one piece of information,
thus limiting its usefulness. Option 2 is an acceptable
method but forces the function to become more dependent upon
the entire program structure. This is fine for
application-specific functions, but severly restricts the
modularity of general purpose functions. The accepted
method is to pass the function the address of our variable
using the "address operator", "&", like so:
char c;
func( &c ); # call "func()", pass the address of "c"
func( ptr )
char *ptr;
*ptr = 12;
The ampersand (&) as used above is a unary operator that
tells C we want to use the _a_d_d_r_e_s_s of the associated
variable instead of its _c_o_n_t_e_n_t_s. _I_n _o_t_h_e_r _w_o_r_d_s, _t_h_e
_a_d_d_r_e_s_s _o_p_e_r_a_t_o_r _y_i_e_l_d_s _a _p_o_i_n_t_e_r to its associated operand.
That's why we declared the argument to the function "func()"
as a pointer to a "char". In the above example then, the
local variable "c" in "prog()" would have been set to 12
after the call to "func()".
Extreme caution must be exercised when passing pointers to
variables like this. If we had instead declared "ptr" as a
pointer to an "int" (int *ptr;) in the function, "func()",
then the assignment "*ptr = 12;" would have destroyed the
memory location following "c" and possibly caused the
program to crash.
Note that you may only use the address operator on lvalues;
this means only simple variables and pointers. If you try
to use the address operator on a constant, a string or an
array you will evoke a "need an lvalue" error from SCI.
Now enter and test this little program from the SCI
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
50 Pointers
char *word, *cp, linebuf[80];
puts("type some words: ");
gets(cp = linebuf);
while(cp) {
cp = parse(cp, &word);
puts("word = <");
char *str;
int *word;
while(*str==' ')
while(*str!=' ' && *str)
return 0;
return str+1;
and from the shell execute the function "words()". What
does this program do?
14.3.1 _s_c_a_n_f_(_) The companion to the Library Function
"printf()" is "scanf()" (read "scan-eff"). This function
performs the reverse operation of "printf()", that is, it
converts strings and numbers read from the console keyboard
and places them into program variables. This means that its
arguments must be _p_o_i_n_t_e_r_s to the appropriate data type.
Examine the following program:
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
Pointers 51
char firstname[20], lastname[20];
int zip;
puts("First name last name and zipcode?");
scanf("%s %s %d", firstname, lastname, &zip );
printf("firstname = %s\n",firstname);
printf("lastname = %s\n",lastname);
printf("zipcode = %d\n",zip);
Scanf assumes that a string is a stream of consecutive non-
blank characters. The function will not stop reading input
until all of its conversion (%-letter) codes have been
satisfied, or until an end of input (control-Z in MS-DOS) is
encountered. This means that carriage returns _d_o _n_o_t cause
scanf to quit reading and return to the caller. Carriage
returns are simply treated as spaces and tabs, collectively
known as "white space". In the program above, you could
have entered you first and last name on seperate lines if
you like, or on the same line seperated by one or more
spaces or tabs.
Notice that the _a_d_d_r_e_s_s of the integer variable "zip" was
passed to scanf; do you now understand why? If we had used
the following statement instead:
scanf( "%d", zip );
then the _c_o_n_t_e_n_t_s of "zip" would have been used as the
location where scanf would place an integer value. If the
contents of "zip" had been zero, then memory locations zero
and one would have been altered by scanf, and would have
possibly damaged the operating system.
15. IIIInnnnccccrrrreeeemmmmeeeennnntttt aaaannnndddd DDDDeeeeccccrrrreeeemmmmeeeennnntttt OOOOppppeeeerrrraaaattttoooorrrrssss
As we have already seen, we can use several methods to
access elements in an array. Let's say we had an array and
wanted to access its elements sequentially, one after the
other. We could either declare a pointer to the array and
then increment the pointer by one; or we could declare an
integer variable to be used as an array index and increment
it each time by one, like so:
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
52 Increment and Decrement Operators
char a[10], *p;
int i;
# set all 10 elements in the array "a" to zero,
# using a pointer:
*p = 0;
# ...and using an index:
a[i] = 0;
Since these operations come up often in programming, the C
language offers a very efficient method of incrementing and
decrementing varibles. These are appropriately enough,
called the "increment" and "decrement" operators, "++" and
"--". The increment/decrement operators are unary operators
and can appear either before or after a variable name, like
int i;
++i; # increment "i" by one
i++; # same thing
--i; # decrement "i" by one
i--; # and again
If the operator appears _b_e_f_o_r_e the variable, it is known as
a "pre-" increment or decrement; if it appears _a_f_t_e_r the
variable, it is a "post-" increment/decrement. The pre-
increment/decrement operators perform their function _b_e_f_o_r_e
the variable is used in the expression, whereas the post-
increment/decrement operators perform their function _a_f_t_e_r
the variable has been used in the expression. This is best
explained with an example:
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
Increment and Decrement Operators 53
int i;
i = 0;
putd( ++i );
i = 0;
putd( i++ );
The first instance of "putd()" would print a 1 - the
variable "i" was increment by one before its value was
passed to "putd()". Now we set "i" to zero again and the
second call to "putd()" will print a 0. This is because the
post-increment operator passes the value of "i" to the
function "putd()" _b_e_f_o_r_e it gets incremented by one.
These operators are very handy for quickly scanning through
an array like this:
char *s;
while ( *s )
putchar( *s++ );
When using the increment/decrement operators on pointers,
SCI knows what data type the pointer is referencing and
adjusts the pointer so that it points to the next/previous
data item. In other words, when incrementing a pointer to
an integer, the pointer is incremented by two instead of one
so that it points to the next integer. If we wanted to
print out all the numbers in an integer array, we might do
something like this:
int array[ 10 ], *ap;
ap = array;
for ( i=0; i<10; ++i )
printf( "%d\n", *ap++ );
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
54 Increment and Decrement Operators
16. AAAA TTTToooouuuurrrr TTTThhhhrrrroooouuuugggghhhh tttthhhheeee FFFFiiiilllleeee IIII////OOOO FFFFuuuunnnnccccttttiiiioooonnnnssss
The formal definition of the C language does not really
include any of the Library Functions we have discussed so
far. However, most of these have become defacto standards
and are considered a part of the language's support library.
Although the exact usage of support functions may vary from
one compiler implementation to the next, most C compilers
adhere to a "standard" to some degree. This section
discusses SCI's implementation of the file I/O functions
which is fairly compatible with the "standards" proposed by
the authors of the C language.
This section only attempts to clarify some points concerning
the file I/O functions and is not meant as a reference.
Please refer to the section in the User's Manual titled "The
Library Function" for exact details about these functions.
16.1 ffffooooppppeeeennnn(((())))
Before a file can be used (read from or written to), it must
first be "opened" with the Library Function "fopen()".
Opening a file ensures that the file exists and is
readable/writable and prepares internal data structures for
dealing with the file. Before a C program starts up, three
"files" are opened for it by the "operating system", these
are known as the "standard input", "standard output" and
"standard error" file. These usually default to the user's
console keyboard and screen. The "standard error" file is
an output file and always defaults to the user's console
screen. It is usually used by the program to display error
messages. The reason we like to have two output files is
because we don't want to intermix program error and
informational messages with program output data, and to
insure that error messages always appear on the user's
To open a file, "fopen()" must be called with two arguments:
the file name, and a character string that defines how the
file is to be accessed. For example,
int channel;
channel = fopen( "SHELL.SCI", "r" );
would open the file "SHELL.SCI" for reading ("r"). MS-DOS
allows the file name to be in upper or lower case, other
operating systems may not be so indifferent about file
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
A Tour Through the File I/O Functions 55
names. The second string, known as the "open mode", must
contain either a lower case "r" to open the file for
reading, "w" for writing or "a" for appending. When a file
is opened for reading, it must already exist or "fopen()"
will return an error code. If a file is opened for writing,
it may or may not exist; if it does exist, it is first
deleted before the open. If a file is opened for appending
and the file exists, it is opened for writing, but data is
written to the end of the file. If the file does not exist,
an open for append acts like an open for write. You may
also open a file for both reading and writing, meaning you
may intermix read and write functions on the same file, but
see the section on the Library Functions for more
The value returned by "fopen()" is an integer known as the
"channel number" and points to the previously mentioned
internal file control data structure. This channel number
is then used by the other file read/write functions to
access the file. If "fopen()" was unable to find the file
(file opened for reading) or the file could not be created
(file opened for writing), it returns a zero, indicating
The special channel numbers 1, 2 and 3 may be used to read
and write from/to the standard input, output and error files
respectively. These channel numbers may be used with the
file read/write routines at any time, unless of course you
have closed them.
16.2 ffffcccclllloooosssseeee(((())))
When a file is no longer needed, it should be "closed" by
the program. Closing a file ensures that the file is safely
stored on disk and it frees up the internal file control
data structure.
This function expects a single argument, the file pointer:
fclose( fp );
and returns a zero if the file was closed successfully, or a
-1 if an error occured (the file was never opened, disk is
write protected, etc.).
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
56 A Tour Through the File I/O Functions
16.3 ffffggggeeeettttcccc(((()))) aaaannnndddd ffffppppuuuuttttcccc(((())))
The functions "fgetc()" and "fputc()" are used to read and
write respectively a single character from/to a file. Both
of these functions advance a "file position pointer" which
points to the next character to be read/written to/from the
file. This file position pointer is one of the items in the
aforementioned internal file control data structure. These
functions are used like so:
char *fromfile, *tofile;
int fromchannel, tochannel, c;
fromchannel = fopen( fromfile, "r" );
tochannel = fopen( tofile, "w" );
while ( (c = fgetc( fromchannel )) != -1 )
fputc( c, tochannel );
fclose( fromchannel );
fclose( tochannel );
This little program copies the file whose name is the string
at "fromfile" to the file whose name is at "tofile".
The function "fgetc()" returns the character that was read
from the file (a single byte value from 0 to 255) or a minus
one if the end of the file was reached or if some other
error occured. The function "fputc()" returns the character
that was written or a minus one if an error occured.
16.4 ffffggggeeeettttssss(((()))) aaaannnndddd ffffppppuuuuttttssss(((())))
You may also read and write disk files a "line" at a time
with the functions "fgets()" and "fputs()". A "line" is a
sequence of characters in the file that end with a newline
("\n") character. These are similar to the functions
"gets()" and "puts()", which read and write from/to the
standard input and standard output.
Note that the two functions fputs("hello",2) and
puts("hello") are identical.
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
A Tour Through the File I/O Functions 57
16.5 ffffrrrreeeeaaaadddd(((()))) aaaannnndddd ffffwwwwrrrriiiitttteeee(((())))
Sometimes it is useful to be able to read or write a file in
arbitrarily long "blocks". For example, suppose we wanted
to store an array of integer numbers in a file. The
character read/write functions ("fgetc()" and "fputc()")
would work but would be less efficient than writing several
characters at a time. The functions "fread()" and
"fwrite()" are ideal for these situations:
int array[ 100 ];
int channel;
channel = fopen( "NUMBERS.DAT", "r" );
fread( array, 200, channel );
fclose( channel );
sort( array, 100 );
channel = fopen( "NUMBERS.DAT", "w" );
fwrite( array, 200, channel );
fclose( channel );
int a[], n;
int temp, i, j;
for ( i=0; i<n-2; ++i ) {
for ( j=i; j<n-1; ++j ) {
if ( a[j] > a[j+1] ) {
This program reads an array of 100 numbers from a file,
sorts them in numeric order and writes them back to the
file. Note that we asked "fread()" and "fwrite()" for 200
bytes. Since the array consists of 100 integers and each
integer is 2 bytes, the array is 200 bytes long.
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
58 A Tour Through the File I/O Functions
Also, be sure to close a file when it is no longer needed.
If we had neglected to close the file after the "fopen()"
for reading, the second call to "fopen()" would have altered
our file pointer. The value of the first file pointer would
have been destroyed and the internal file control data
structure would have been lost in limbo forever. Although
this wouldn't have caused any damage, it is very sloppy
programming. Keep in mind that you have only 10 file
control data structures available.
16.6 ffffsssseeeeeeeekkkk(((()))) aaaannnndddd fffftttteeeellllllll(((())))
All of the file read/write functions advance an invisible
"file position pointer" which determines where in the file
the next character will be read from or written to.
Sometimes it is necessary to re-read a character or group of
characters in a file, or to write over the current contents
in a file with new data. The function "fseek()" can be used
to relocate the file position pointer to anywhere within the
file, and allow you to re-read or re-write data in the file
as necessary.
Ftell simply returns the current value of the file position
Examine the following sample program:
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
A Tour Through the File I/O Functions 59
int start, current, inchannel, outchannel, c;
inchannel = fopen( "RAW.DAT", "r" );
outchannel = fopen( "LINKED.DAT", "wr" );
start = 0;
fwrite( &start, 2, outchannel );
while ( (c=fgetc( inchannel )) != -1 ) {
if ( fputc( c, outchannel ) == 0x00ff )
current = ftell( outchannel );
fseek( outchannel, start, 0 );
fwrite( ¤t, 2, outchannel );
fseek( outchannel, current, 0 );
start = current;
fclose( inchannel );
fclose( outchannel );
This program copies the file RAW.DAT to LINKED.DAT. Each
time a byte of all one's (FF hexadecimal) is encountered in
RAW.DAT, the program backs up to the previous start location
in LINKED.DAT (indicated in the variable "start") and
inserts the file's current file position pointer
("current"). In other words, the program creates a file
identical to RAW.DAT except that the data in the file
contains information that tells where all of the 0xff's are
located within the file - a linked list.
Since SCI only supports integer variables, this limits the
maximum range of absolute file positioning available with
"fseek()" to 32767 from the beginning or end of the file.
You can however, position the file pointer to within +/-
32767 bytes from the _c_u_r_r_e_n_t position. This allows you to
position the file pointer anywhere within the file, no
matter how large the file is. Standard C uses "long" data
variables instead of "int"'s for specifying the file
position offset. Long's are usually twice the size of an
"int" (four bytes instead of two), which gives you a much
larger range of absolute file positioning.
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
60 The Debugger
17. TTTThhhheeee DDDDeeeebbbbuuuuggggggggeeeerrrr
SCI provides a powerful program debugging facility that
allows you to execute your programs with complete control.
When the debugger is active, it takes control of your
program and allows you to step through the program in a
controlled fashion. You have the option of either executing
a line at a time, or stop at any line in the program. From
the debugger you can also examine and change program
variables in the middle of a program run, or execute any
valid C statement.
Besides being a reference for the SCI debug facility, this
section will introduce you to general debugging strategies,
and show you how you can use the SCI debugger to gain a
better knowledge of C program flow.
17.1 IIIInnnnttttrrrroooodddduuuuccccttttiiiioooonnnn
The SCI debugger operates in what is known as "symbolic"
mode. As you probably already know, a computer can not
directly execute program instructions written in the C (or
any other higher-level) language. The C language
instructions must first be converted to machine language and
then executed by the computer. This is the mode of
operation when using a C compiler. Alternatively, the C
source code can be directly executed by a program known as
an "interpreter", which is exactly how SCI works. A C
program that has been compiled is completely unreadable by
us humans - all resemblence to the original C code has been
stripped from the program since it is intended only for the
computer's "eyes". We say that the "symbolic"
representation of a machine readable program has been
removed. On the other hand, since an interpreter always
keeps a "symbolic" (human readable) form of your program in
memory, it is very easy to follow the program as it is being
executed by the interpreter. A debugger that has this
ability to let the human reader follow along as the program
is executed by the computer, is known as a "symbolic
There are basically two types of program errors that can
occur: unrecoverable and recoverable. Unrecoverable errors
are typified by the computer's refusal to answer to the
programmer's desperate pounding on the keyboard - we say
that the computer has "locked up" and gone south for the
winter. These errors may be caused by partial or complete
destruction of the program itself, or of the operating
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
The Debugger 61
system and usually require you to turn the computer off and
then on again. Recoverable errors are the kind which do not
allow the program to run to normal completion and return you
to either the operating system or to the calling program, or
simply "get stuck" in a never ending loop. The category of
recoverable errors also include incorrect results:
YOU: what is 2 plus 2?
and unexpected results:
COMPUTER: shall I delete this file?
COMPUTER: OK, file deleted!
For obvious reasons, SCI's built-in debugger is only capable
of dealing with recoverable errors.
The apporach to finding both of these types of errors is
basically the same: allow the program to run normally up to
the point just before it goes berzerk, then stop and look at
how it got there. Usually, the hardest task is finding that
point where your program goes over the edge. You have two
choices: either run the program from the very beginning, one
line at a time until something unexpected happens, or allow
the program to run normally and stop just before the section
of code that is suspect. The method of executing a program
a line at a time is known as "single-stepping". Running a
program normally and having it stop at a given line is known
as "running to breakpoint". The SCI debugger allows you to
use both of these approaches in any combination.
17.2 EEEEnnnnaaaabbbblllliiiinnnngggg tttthhhheeee DDDDeeeebbbbuuuuggggggggeeeerrrr
The Library Function "debug" is used to turn the SCI
debugger on and off and may be called either from the shell
prompt or from within your program. A single argument to
the "debug()" function determines the debugger mode. If the
argument is zero (debug mode 0), the debugger is completely
disabled. If the argument is a one (debug mode 1), the
debugger will only grab control of a running program if you
hit the <ESCAPE> key from the keyboard, otherwise the
program will run normally; if the debug mode is 2 or
greater, the debugger is always in control of your program.
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
62 The Debugger
Thus, your program might look like this:
int i;
debug(2); # turn debugger ON
while(i<10) # scrutinize this loop
debug(1); # turn debugger OFF again
You can also turn the debugger on directy from the keyboard
while a program is running. By pressing the <ESCAPE> key in
debug mode 1, the program is stopped in mid execution and
the debugger is turned on. Thus, if you have a program that
seems to be stuck in a forever loop, you can get control and
take a look at what's causing the problem.
When the debugger gets control of your program, it will
automatically display the line number and program text of
the next line to be executed. It is important to realize
that the displayed program line has not yet been executed.
Directly below the displayed line is a circumflex that
points the first item in the line that will be executed.
For example, if you had more than one statement on a single
line, you might see:
12: i = 10; putd(i);
The debugger then displays its "debug>" prompt and waits for
you to enter a command. Debugger commands always start with
a dot (.) in the first column, followed by a command
mnemonic letter. You can also enter a C statement at the
debugger's "debug>" prompt and have it evaluated and the
results displayed, just like in the shell.
We will now walk through a sample program using the debugger
as a way of introducing you to the debugger commands.
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
The Debugger 63
17.3 SSSSaaaammmmpppplllleeee DDDDeeeebbbbuuuugggg SSSSeeeessssssssiiiioooonnnn
If you haven't done so already, list the sample program that
came with your distribution disk, CALC.SCI, either on your
printer or "TYPE" it out on your screen. This is a simple
integer calculator program that does addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division.
At the shell prompt, load CALC.SCI then type "calc()" to
start the program. The program displays its prompt (->) and
waits for you to enter a command. Try entering some
mathematical expressions:
shell> load calc.sci
shell> calc()
-> 2+2
-> 2+3*4
-> 3*4+2
-> 2-30/2
Notice that the program is smart enough to know that
multiplication and division have higher precedence than
addition and subtraction. To get out of the program and
back to the shell, type a carriage return:
Now, let's try the same scenario but this time turn on the
SCI debugger before you start the calculator:
> debug(2)
> calc()
The debugger displays the C statement you entered on the
shell's command line, prompts you with its "debug>" prompt
and waits for you to enter a command. Now just type a few
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
64 The Debugger
12: Stacktop = 10;
13: for(;;)
The program is being executed one line at a time each time a
<RETURN> is hit. Notice that each line is displayed
preceded by the line number of the program. The statement
you entered from the shell that started up the calculator is
not a part of the program. This is why it was not preceeded
with a line number.
17.3.1 _E_x_i_t_i_n_g__t_h_e__D_e_b_u_g_g_e_r To halt the program and return
back to the shell, use the debugger's "quit" command:
debug> .q
Now we're back to the shell's prompt. The ".q" command
stopped the program and turned the debugger off. Since we
want to experiment some more, turn the debugger back on
again and start up the program:
shell> debug(2)
shell> calc()
17.3.2 _S_i_n_g_l_e__S_t_e_p_p_i_n_g You can execute more than one
program line at a time with the "step" command. At the
"debug>" prompt, type ".s" followed by the number of program
lines you want to execute:
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
The Debugger 65
debug> .s 4
13: for(;;)
The debugger executed 4 lines, then stopped. This is useful
when you want to get through a section of code quickly
without having to hit <RETURN> and waiting for each line to
be displayed. The "continue" command is equivalent to a
".s" with an infinitely large step count:
debug> .c
-> 2+2
The program appears to be running slower than when it was
run with the debugger turned off. This is because the
debugger is still in control of the program, and must
examine each line before it is executed. The usefulness of
the ".c" command will become apparent later when we discuss
breakpoints. To return back to the debugger prompt, hit an
<ESCAPE> while the program is running. If the program is
waiting for input from the console, hitting the <ESCAPE> key
will have no effect. So type some mathematical expression
as before, hit a <RETURN> and then quickly hit the <ESCAPE>
-> 2+3*4
66: for(;;)
When the <ESCAPE> is hit, the debugger displays an
"interrupt" message, followed by the program line it was
currently working on.
17.3.3 _D_i_s_p_l_a_y_i_n_g__G_l_o_b_a_l__V_a_r_i_a_b_l_e_s At any time the
debugger is waiting for input you may display all of the
program's global variables and their contents with the
"global" command:
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
66 The Debugger
debug> .g
char *Lineptr @9756: = "+3*4"
int Stack[10] = 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
int Stackptr = 1
int Stacktop = 10
The ".g" command displays each variable along with its data
type ("char" or "int"). If the variable is an array or a
pointer, its address is also printed in decimal, for example
like so: @9756. Following that, the variable's value is
displayed. If the variable is an array or a pointer, the
first ten items in the array are displayed. Character
arrays are printed as strings, and integer arrays as a
series of decimal numbers.
Another form of the ".g" command, ".G", will display all of
the program's functions and their program line numbers in
addition to global variables:
debug> .G
char *Lineptr @9756: = "+3*4"
int Stack[10] = 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
int Stackptr = 1
int Stacktop = 10
86:push( n )
100:isdigit( c )
17.3.4 _B_r_e_a_k_p_o_i_n_t_s Next we will discuss one of the most
powerful features of the debugger: breakpoints. Let's say
we wanted to stop the program every time the functions
"push" and "pop" were called, so that we could inspect the
program's state. Looking at the debugger's output from the
".G" command above, we see that these functions are located
at lines 82 and 89 respectively. To set breakpoints at
these line numbers, we would enter the following two
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
The Debugger 67
debug> .b 86
breakpoint set:
86:push( n )
debug> .b 93
breakpoint set:
The debugger prints the program line at which the breakpoint
is set for verification.
You may set a maximum of 5 breakpoints at any one time. To
display all of the breakpoints that are currently set, use
the ".B" command:
debug> .B
86:push( n )
Now we can continue executing the program normally and it
should stop as soon as either the "push" or "pop" functions
are called. This is where the ".c" command is used:
debug> .c
86:push( n )
As soon as a breakpoint is reached, the debugger announces
this fact and displays the program line at the breakpoint.
To delete a breakpoint, use the "delete breakpoint" command:
debug> .d 86
breakpoint deleted:
86:push( n )
Again, the program line at which the breakpoint was deleted
is displayed for verification. When a breakpoint is
deleted, the debugger will no longer stop at this program
line after a ".c" command.
To delete all breakpoints set, use the ".D" command:
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
68 The Debugger
debug> .D
all breakpoints deleted
17.3.5 _F_u_n_c_t_i_o_n__C_a_l_l__T_r_a_c_e__B_a_c_k Using breakpoints we can
be certain of only one fact: the program started at point
"A", and stopped at point "B". We know nothing about the
route it took in getting there. The debugger's "trace back"
command at least tells us the order of function calls that
got us to point "B": Continuing with our debuging session,
type the following command:
debug> .t
The function call trace back printed by the ".t" command is
read backwards from bottom to top. In other words in the
above display, the function "calc" (which is the starting
point) called "addition", which in turn called
"multiplication", and so on.
A variation of the "trace back" command, ".T", will also
display all local variables and their contents for each
function in the trace back:
debug> .T
int num = 0
int num = 0
char line[80] = "2+3*4"
The local variables are displayed in a similar format as for
the ".g" command.
17.3.6 _E_x_a_m_i_n_e__a__P_r_o_g_r_a_m You may also use the SCI editor
to examine your program. The editor will not allow you make
any changes when invoked from the debugger, since this could
completely alter the state of the current program run. To
"examine" your program, type:
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
The Debugger 69
debug> .e
The screen is erased and the editor is started up with the
cursor resting on the line in the program that is to be
executed next. You may move about freely in the editor, but
you may not make any changes.
When you exit the editor (with a ^Z) the debugger knows
which line the cursor was on when you left the editor, and
you may set a breakpoint at that line by just giving the
".b" command _w_i_t_h_o_u_t a line number.
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
70 The Shell
18. TTTThhhheeee SSSShhhheeeellllllll
This section will discuss in detail the operation of the
program found in the file SHELL.SCI. We will also show you
how to customize the shell program to suit your needs.
If you haven't done so already, print out the shell program
file or "TYPE" it out on your console screen. As you can
see there are basically 2 sections of this program: the
first section declares all of the Library Functions ("sys"
call interfaces), The second section starts immediately
after the "entry" keyword with the function "main()". This
is the function that is executed after SHELL.SCI has been
loaded into memory. Let's examine this function more
closely now:
49: int f, t;
50: char buf[24];
51: char line[81];
52: char program[ memleft()-1024 ];
54: puts(sys(0));
55: puts("\nSCI Shell V1.5 20Oct86 Copyright (C) 1986 Bob Brodt\n");
56: *program='Z';
57: _mhz=12;
59: _nr=25; _nc=80;
60: _ro=_co=1;
61: _cp="\033[%d;%dH";
62: _el="\033[K";
64: for(;;) {
65: puts("shell> ");
66: line[5]=0;
67: if(gets(line)) {
68: if (!strncmp(line,"edit",4))
69: sys(atoi(line+4),program,19);
70: else if (!strncmp(line,"list",4)) {
71: f=1;
72: t=32765;
73: if(line[4])
74: sscanf(line+4,"%d %d",&f,&t);
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
The Shell 71
75: sys(program,f,t,27);
76: }
77: else if (!strncmp(line,"save",4))
78: sys(line+5,program,26);
79: else if (!strncmp(line,"load",4))
80: sys(line+5,program,25);
81: else if (!strncmp(line,"exit",4))
82: return;
83: else if (!strncmp(line,"dir",3)) {
84: if ( !line[3] )
85: strcpy(line+4,"*.*");
86: if ( dirscan(line+4,buf) ) {
87: printf("%s\n",buf);
88: while(dirscan(0,buf))
89: printf("%s\n",buf);
90: }
91: }
92: else
93: printf("\n%d\n",sys(line,program,16));
94: }
95: }
Note that we have included line numbers here for reference.
The data declarations at lines 51 and 52 are the shell's
input line buffer (line[]) and user program buffer
(program[]) respectively. Lines 54 and 55 of course print
the program identification banners. Lines 57 through 62
assign the editor's customization variables (for the IBM PC
in this version). Line 64 starts a "forever" loop that can
only terminated by the "return" at line 82. This loop
starts out by displaying the shell prompt ("shell> ") on the
console screen, then waiting for a line of input from the
console keyboard. The input line buffer stores the C
statement read in from the console at line 67. It is then
compared to each of the strings "edit", "list", "save",
"load", "exit" and "dir". If the first four characters in
the input buffer don't match any of these strings, the line
is assumed to be a C statement and handed off to the
interpreter (via "sys" function 16) for execution at line
The program buffer, "program" is used to store the user's
program functions and variables. The user can enter data
into this buffer only by way of the SCI program editor
("sys" function 19). In fact, the program buffer is
completely hidden from the user - any attempt to reference
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
72 The Shell
it via a C statement (for example "putchar( program[0] )")
will result in an "undefined symbol" error message. The
user's program in the "program" buffer is in "tokenized"
form. That is, each language element (variables, keywords,
punctuation, etc.) has been encoded so that it can be more
easily and quickly recognized by the interpreter. The
tokenized form of a program bears almost no resemblance to
the human-readable form and should not be tampered with.
18.1 CCCCuuuussssttttoooommmmiiiizzzziiiinnnngggg tttthhhheeee SSSShhhheeeellllllll
Now we will show you how you can customize this program.
Start up SCI and when the shell's prompt appears, enter the
shell> load shell.sci
to load the shell file. Now edit the program from SCI's
editor and remove all lines from the beginning of the
program up to and including the "entry" keyword. Next let's
change the string on line 65 (above) to something like:
"yes, dear? ".
Exit the editor and from the shell prompt type:
shell> main()
You should see the program identification banner again and
the new shell's prompt, "yes, dear? "! You can now do
everything from this new shell that you did from the
original shell - write programs with the editor, save them,
list them and load them. When you type "exit" to this new
shell however, you are returned to the original shell.
Type an "exit" now to get back to the first shell and from
there do a "save newshell". Then type "main()" again to get
the "yes, dear? " shell. From here, type "load newshell" to
load the newshell program. Edit the newshell program and
change the "yes, dear? " prompt to something like: "you
again? ". Now exit the editor and at the "yes, dear? "
prompt type "main()". You should again see the program
logon banner and the new shell prompt "you again? ", like
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
The Shell 73
yes, dear? main()
Small C Interpreter V1.5 20Oct86 Copyright (C) 1986 Bob Brodt
SCI Shell V1.5 20Oct86 Copyright (C) 1986 Bob Brodt
you again?
In all, we now have 3 different shell programs running, one
on top of the other, and we could actually continue doing
this until we run out of memory! This is exactly analagous
to the layers of an onion: each layer gets smaller as you go
towards the center of the onion, just as the amount of
usable memory becomes less as each new shell program is
loaded from the previous shell.
Now return to the original shell like so:
you again? exit
yes, dear? exit
It now becomes an easy task to customize the shell program
to your heart's content using the SCI editor, test it from
the SCI interpreter environment and when it's fully debuged,
save it to disk. Of course you must remember to insert the
Library Function declarations and the "entry" keyword before
the new shell "main()" function if you intend to replace
SHELL.SCI with the new program.
18.2 DDDDOOOOSSSS CCCCoooommmmmmmmaaaannnndddd LLLLiiiinnnneeee AAAArrrrgggguuuummmmeeeennnnttttssss ttttoooo tttthhhheeee SSSShhhheeeellllllll
A mechanism has been provided to pass operating system
command line arguments to the shell in a way similar to most
commercially available C compilers. By specifying a "-A" on
the MS-DOS command lines, all arguments to the right of the
"-A" will be ignored by SCI and instead passed to the shell
SCI always passes two arguments to the "entry" program in
the startup file, although the program is free to use or
ignore these arguments. These are: a count of the number of
arguments following the "-A" option on the DOS command line
and; A pointer to the array of strings that contain these
arguments. These arguments are commonly declared as "argc"
(argument count) and "argv" (argument vector) in the C
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
74 The Shell
Make the following changes and additions to the program in
main(argc, arv)
int argc;
char **argv;
int i;
while ( i<argc )
Then, when the following command is entered at the operating
system level:
A>SCI -A Hello out there!
the shell program would start up like this:
Small C Interpreter V1.5 20OCt86 Copyright (C) 1986 Bob Brodt
Shell V1.5 20OCt86 Copyright (C) 1986 Bob Brodt
SCI Programmers Manual Copyright (C) 1986, Bob Brodt
1. Introduction to SCI Programming.................... 1
2. SCI Statement Structure............................ 2
3. SCI Program Structure.............................. 2
4. Functions.......................................... 6
4.1 Library Functions............................ 7
5. Your First Program................................. 8
5.1 Hello again, world!.......................... 8
5.2 Fahrenheit to Celsius........................ 9
6. Statements: Simple and Compound.................... 9
6.1 Comment Statements........................... 11
7. Expressions........................................ 11
7.1 Operators.................................... 12
7.2 Precedence................................... 12
7.3 Associativity................................ 13
7.4 Arithmetic operators......................... 13
7.5 Bitwise Operators............................ 13
8. Variables.......................................... 14
8.1 Naming Conventions........................... 14
8.2 Data Types................................... 15
8.3 Scope........................................ 15
8.4 Location of Variables........................ 19
9. Constants.......................................... 20
9.1 Hexadecimal Constants........................ 21
9.2 Octal Constants.............................. 21
9.3 ASCII Character Constants.................... 21
9.4 String Constants............................. 22
10. Assignment Operator................................ 23
10.1 Lvalues and Rvalues.......................... 24
11. Comma Operator..................................... 24
12. Flow Control....................................... 25
12.1 if and if-else............................... 25
12.2 while........................................ 34
12.3 for.......................................... 36
12.4 switch....................................... 38
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13. Arrays............................................. 40
14. Pointers........................................... 42
14.1 Lvalues and Rvalues Revisited................ 43
14.2 Pointer Operator............................. 44
14.3 Address Operator............................. 48
15. Increment and Decrement Operators.................. 51
16. A Tour Through the File I/O Functions.............. 54
16.1 fopen()...................................... 54
16.2 fclose()..................................... 55
16.3 fgetc() and fputc().......................... 56
16.4 fgets() and fputs().......................... 56
16.5 fread() and fwrite()......................... 57
16.6 fseek() and ftell().......................... 58
17. The Debugger....................................... 60
17.1 Introduction................................. 60
17.2 Enabling the Debugger........................ 61
17.3 Sample Debug Session......................... 63
18. The Shell.......................................... 70
18.1 Customizing the Shell........................ 72
18.2 DOS Command Line Arguments to the Shell...... 73
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